Group 8


Group 8
Now, i will tell you about offers and suggestion. This group that has presented to my class

Daffa Abdul
Dinda Aisyah
M. Farhan


as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!

- Opening : Serumpun Padi
Lyrics :
Serumpun padi tumbuh di sawah
Hijau menguning daunnya
Tumbuh di sawah penuh berlumpur
Di pangkuan ibu pertiwi
Serumpun jiwa suci
Hidupnya niscaya abadi
Serumpun padi mengandung janji
Harapan ibu pertiwi

- Materi    : Drama

- Video      :

- Quiz        : Kahoot

- Latihan  :
 post reading activity (hal 142 6-10)

6. What event brought about the beginning of a new life for Monsieur and

Madame Loisel? Did this event change their life for better or worse? Give

reasons to support your answer.

7. Why do you think they didn't tell Madame Forestier that they had lost the

necklace? Give reasons to support your answer.

8. Did the ending of the play surprise you? What kind of ending did you

expect? Explain.

9. What is the moral of the story? Discuss what you learned from this story.

10. If you had a chance to rewrite the story, how would the story end? Write a

new ending for the story?

6.the event make their live worse because they have to working harder to pay the necklace
7. because madame loisel was chose to replace it8. yes, when madame forestier tell that her necklace was fake and madame loisel spent the past ten year to replace it
9.  be your self and dont exxegerate
10. madame loisel was found the necklace and return it to madame forestier

- Short movie : 

=> the story of a village boy who moved to the city to study and he was bullied with his friends, until finally there was someone who helped him not to be bullied again by his friend, and the bully builder's ending with him became friends.
Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Padhang Wulan
Lyrics :
Yo 'pra kanca dolanan ing jaba
padhang wulan padhange kaya rina
Rembulane e sing awe-awe
ngelingake aja padha turu sore
Yo 'pra kanca dolanan ing jaba
rame-rame kene akeh kancane
Langite pancen sumebyar rina
yo padha dolanan sinambi guyonan


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