Group 7


Group 7

Now, i will tell you about offers and suggestion. This group that has presented to my class

Clarissa Annabella
M. Rizqi Ramadhan


as usual before starting the presentation we sing the national song in Indonesia !!! spirit !!!

- Opening : Berkibarlah Benderaku

Lyrics :
Berkibarlah benderaku
Lambang suci gagah perwira
Di seluruh pantai Indonesia
Kau tetap pujaan bangsa

Siapa berani menurunkan engkau
Serentak rakyatmu membela
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarlah Slama-lamanya

Kami rakyat Indonesia
Bersedia setiap masa
Mencurahkan segenap tenaga
Supaya kau tetap cemerlang

Tak goyang jiwaku menahan rintangan
Tak gentar rakyatmu berkorban
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarkah Slama-lamanya

- Materi    : Variety & Pride

- Video      : -

- Quiz        : -

- Latihan  :

1. What do you think of Madame Loisel? Do you know anyone who has the

same personality as Madame Loisel? How are they alike? Please describe.

2. In the beginning of the play, Madame Loisel was very sad and unsatisfied.

Why was she sad and unsatisfied? What did she want? Support your

answer with examples from the play.

3. Why do you think Madame Loisel borrowed the necklace from her friend?

4. Do you think she had a good time at the ball? Support your answer with

examples from the play.

5. Do you think Madame Loisel's longing for higher-class life ruined her?

Support your answer with reasons.

1. madame loisel is really arrogant because of her beauty.
    yes. snow white stepmother is really arrogant too. she is a witch who like to be a beautiful woman in this world and she would kill any body who more beautiful than her. 
   untuk soal no 1 yang do you know anyone itu mungkin harus teman atau org terdekat kamu. 

2. she sad and unsatisfied because she hope to have rich dan handsome husband but she get the ugly and cheap man. untuk supportnya harus lihat text yang punya kamu.

3. because she is shy if someone she her without a beautiful gown and necklace. she believe everyone will like her if she is wearing that necklace

4. yes she is. because everyone see her and tell that she is beautiful. but in the and she has to get it back earlier.

5. because she lost the necklace and then become a maid to have enough money pay of the missing neclace

- Short movie :
=> a student who likes her friend at school but she is only able to harbor those feelings until one day she is sitting in the corridor in front of her class while listening to music and she hallucinates when she is walking with a friend she likes.
Finally, the final group presentation was closed with Indonesian folk songs, horee!!!

- Closing   : Ayo Mama

Lyrics :
Ayam hitam telurnya putih
Mencari makan di pinggir kali
Sinyo hitam giginya putih
Kalau ketawa manis sekali

Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Dia cuma cuma pegang beta
Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Lah orang muda punya biasa


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