kelompok 5

hello guys now i will tell u guys bout letter writing the 5th group from the English project class has explained the material and I will summarize it here

Group 5

Alya Efrida
 Andika Bhayangkara
 Dinda Aisyah Rachmi
 Moh. Daffa

as usual before starting the presentation we sing Indonesian compulsory songs. 

 sorak-sorak gembira

Lyrics :

Bergembira semua sudah
bebas negeri kita
Indonesia merdeka

Indonesia merdeka
Menuju bahagia adalah
tujuan kita
Untuk slama-lamanya (2X)

materi : Letter writing

       ➾ in chapter 5 there is letter writing if previously in chapter 3 about party time, here about the letter. letters are usually divided into 2 which are formal and non formal. what is formal for? usually for official events such as meetings with foreign companies, or invited to a ceremony at the state palace to meet the president. if it's non-formal? Usually the writing is not too standard and make it as simple as a birthday party

video : no video display
Quiz :

Latihan : make a letter
Let's do it!!!!

Short Movie

The presentation ended with Indonesian children's songs

lir ilir lets goo!!

Lyrics :

Lir ilir lir ilir tandure wong sumilir, tak ijo royo royo
Tak sengguh panganten anyar
Cah angon cah angon penekna blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu penekna kanggo mbasuh dodotira
Dodotira dodotira kumintir bedah ing pinggir
Dondomana jrumatana kanggo seba mengko sore
Mumpung padang rembulane, mumpung jembar kalangane
Sun suraka surak hiyo

Lir ilir lir ilir tandure wong sumilir, tak ijo royo royo
Tak sengguh panganten anyar

Cah angon cah angon penekna blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu penekna kanggo mbasuh dodotira
Dodotira dodotira kumintir bedah ing pinggir
Dondomana jrumatana kanggo seba mengko sore
Mumpung padang rembulane, mumpung jembar kalangane
Sun suraka surak hiyo

it is the 5th group of english projects in my class. so, wait for the next group.


  1. Hi Pradinasya .... introduce my name andika. I have read your blog, I read chapter 5, which is about my own group material "letter writing". I want to just ask you if you are able to master my group material?


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